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Are You Dealing With a Negligent Pet Owner? Use This Guide to Handle Your Dog Bite Injury

Admin • Oct 30, 2017
Vicious Dog

Dog attacks are frightening, especially when you sustain an injury. Unfortunately, being bitten by a dog often leaves you with physical, and sometimes even psychological, trauma which often requires medical treatment.

While a pet owner may try to claim that an attack was just an accident, the majority of dog bites are preventable when pet owners accept the responsibility to properly train and restrain their canine.

​As you begin to heal from your injury, use this guide to ensure that your personal injury case is handled properly so that you receive the compensation that you need for a healthy recovery.

Report the Incident

Notify the authorities as soon as you can after the dog attack so that you have proof that an injury has occurred. If a stray dog attacked, do not try to catch it because this could lead to further injuries. Instead, contact the local police or animal services department in your community so that they can track it down.

Seek Medical Attention

Dog bites can range from superficial scratches to serious wounds that require emergency attention. However, you should seek medical attention even if you think that an injury is minor because you can still be at risk for an infection. There could also be more serious damage lurking beneath the surface of your skin.

You may have also suffered other types of injuries that are less visible. For instance, you might have pulled a muscle in your back as you wrestled to get away, or you may find yourself dealing with posttraumatic stress. Always seek a full exam to make sure that you receive proper treatment for the trauma caused by the attack.

Gather Pertinent Information From the Owner

If the dog's owner is on site, then try to get as much personal information as possible. Get their name, address and insurance information just as you would with a car accident. Then get information about the dog, such as their breed and last rabies vaccinations, because this could be helpful to your medical team.

Know Your Rights

In Michigan, strict laws regulate who is responsible when a dog bite injury occurs. For instance, a dog owner is liable for any injuries that occur if their dog bites you without being provoked while you are on public property. They are also liable if the attack occurs while you are lawfully on private property.

Keep in mind that this means that the dog owner is responsible whether you were spending time at your neighbor's house or if a stranger's dog bit you as you jogged through the park.

The circumstances can get murky if someone claims that you were trespassing on their property or if the lines between public and private property are not clearly marked. If the dog owner tries to make excuses or false claims, then seek a legal consultation to ensure that your rights are upheld.

Document the Damages

Personal injury cases work best when you can clearly prove how the incident has impacted your finances and health. Keep all medical records, bills and reports that are associated with your claim so that you can present them to your lawyer and the courts when it is necessary.

Prevent It From Happening Again

Although no one enjoys filing a lawsuit, you must understand that dog owners must take responsibility for their animal's actions. If an animal bit you, then it could bite someone else. For this reason, seeking justice for your injury could prevent others from going through the same pain that you are experiencing now.

The attorneys at Marienfeld Law PLLC take dog bite injuries seriously because they have seen the devastating effects of attacks. Contact them today for a free consultation.

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